UPDATE: My initial copy was out of order and was very confusing. I was finally able to read Maddy Kettle from beginning to end IN ORDER! It's even better when you're able to understand what's going on sequentially. It seems like it may leave room at the end for a second volume, and if so, I will eagerly read it.
Disclaimer: I received a free digital copy of this graphic novel from NetGalley to review. The copy I received was out of order and I haven't found a way to fix it yet. I will update the review if needed when I am able to read it in its entirety.
Younger Me is sad that she never got to read this book, as it is an amazing world-building adventure with strong characters. Maddy Kettle is kind of like if Lord of the Rings and the May Bird series had a graphic, steampunk lovechild. I especially liked the theme of grey area - all of the characters are not really what they seem, which is a very strong lesson. The art is very kitschy and dreamy and it is (or would be if my copy was in the right order) a quick read at under 100 pages. I predict this will become a well-loved series by children who seek out quirky reads.